SDHD x RB Builds & Installs
We teamed up with San Diego HD to bring you an awesome new series! We will be getting a brand new HD every 3-6 months and building them out with all the awesome parts we offer for sale on our website! We will be documenting all the installs from start to finish along with tons of riding content and a review of the products in the end. Lastly at the end of the filming when it's time to get a new bike for us to build we will return the bikes to SDHD for you all to buy it!! So all the builds we do will be available for sale once all the content has been filmed with it. We hope to have an awesome directory soon of all your favorite bikes with install videos of all your favorite parts that we offer for sale! Stay tuned for some awesome installs coming your way from all your fav. brands! This build will be underway in the next couple weeks! Coming Soon!